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Google Glass Stereo Headset Review
Google Glass is one of a Google's new invention, Google Glass is a wearable computer with a display mounted on headset. Google calls the internet Glass is a user friendly interface which can be used by any one, it looks simple and realistic.
Google posted a video of its Google glass wearable headset to show its functionality and uses. watch the video footage captured through Google Glass and feel how the real glass looks like. (Watch the Video here)
The Google glass takes instructions and commands from the users speech and works accordingly. eg.: OK Glass take a picture ( Right away it takes a picture), OK glass record a video ( right away it records a video movie), translate a language (right away it translates any language), What is the weather (right away the internet glass reads current weather report and its audio is conducted to your bone)
Google Glass is expected to be released on global market by early 2014. Although, Google had already release its developer version for $1,500.
Watch this Google Glass Explored edition hands-on video which explores more about Google internet glass... (Google Glass headset users feelings: Google internet Glass is a beautiful piece of hardware, it Makes me see what I want to see..)
1. Google search
2. Record Video
3. Take a Picture
4. Check E-mails
5. Weather report
6. Language translation
7. Check Meaning of a word
8. Google Map
Disadvantages of Google glass headset:
1. Filming others without their knowledge.
2. Can't keep the Glass in pocket. Google provides a bag to keep the Glass in safe.
3. Focal length of the screen is not adjustable. so, Buyers need to check the glass if it perfectly fit for your eye sight before buying it.