Beautiful lemon art for catering decoration

Beautiful lemon art decor for catering services | Creative food decoration ideas | Lemon carving arts | veggie decor ideas | Cutting lemon for catering decorations | simple carving arts on Lemon | Buffet Decoration ideas

veggie decor ideas reative food decoration ideas, Lemon carving arts
Creating innovative designs on vegetable is growing now as it attracts people and generate business. so most of the hotels and food servicing business people spend some money on decorations. This type of lemon carving decor in very simple to do and a kid can do this to make a simple decoration on while serving cooked foods to their family members or relatives. Beautiful lemon art decor for catering services | Creative food decoration ideas | Lemon carving arts | veggie decor ideas | Cutting lemon for catering decorations | simple carving arts on Lemon | Food service decoration ideas for hotels
