How to Stay Sober and get rid of hangover

How to Stay Sober and get rid of hangover

The only way to get real sober is to stop drinking and wait for the alcohol out of the body in a process that can take several hours. There is no instant cure if you get drunk, but there are things you can do to become more alert, reduce nausea and accelerate the elimination of alcohol.
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Feel better

Stop drinking immediately. The first step to get sober is to stop drinking. Ideally you should stop drinking early to have time to sober up before going to bed or get home.

 Stop drinking any kind of alcohol and start drinking water.

Induce vomiting. If you are so drunk and you feel bad, induce vomiting is the fastest way to eliminate alcohol from the body to feel better.

You can do this by placing two fingers on the mouth to the back of the throat. Remember to wash your hands before and after doing this.
  • The head of the person should be held down to prevent suffocation and help force vomiting.
  • Should eat cookies and drink water after vomiting.
  • Use your judgment to determine if vomiting is really necessary. If you're drunk but feel good, it may be better to wait.
Eat something. If you drink on an empty stomach, part of the reason for being drunk is he had nothing in his stomach to absorb the alcohol. Eat anything substantial with enough carbohydrates to help absorbing the alcohol and improve nausea.

Drink water. Alcohol dehydrates, so it is important that you balance the system by drinking plenty of water. Try a glass of water to every glass of alcohol. This will not only reduce the process of drinking, but will also hydrate the body and avoid the hangover the next day.
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Drink coffee. Caffeinated drinks will not make you sober, but will act against the sedative effect of alcohol, helping you to become more alert. Remember that caffeine and alcohol dehydrate, so be sure to drink water.
  •  Do not drink coffee unless you plan to stay awake in the coming hours after drinking it. drink only water before going to bed.
  • Note that even if you feel more sober and caffeine does not improve cognitive function.
Take a cold shower. The sudden jet of cold water will wake you up immediately and leave more awake.
  •  Do not take a cold shower if you are vomiting or have alcohol poisoning. The alcohol will decrease body temperature.
Sleep well. When you have food and water in your body, sleep is the best way to stay sober. Try to get enough sleep at least seven hours. Plan your night so you have enough time to sleep before waking up the next day.

    Drink at least one glass of water before going to bed if you drunk, and take an aspirin if you tend to get a headache after drinking.

Preparatory measures

Eat a good meal before drinking. Have something in your stomach will keep you from getting drunk too fast, and give your body something to soak up the alcohol.

Drink responsibly. If you are getting ready for a long night, it is important to take it easy and go easy on the booze. Choose one type of alcohol to avoid getting sick, and if possible choose beer or wine because these drinks take longer to finish and fill more.

Drink plenty of water. Drinking lots of water will keep you from getting drunk too quickly and will decrease hangover intensity in the next day. Try drinking a glass of water for every glass of drink and a glass of water before bed.

How to Stay Sober and get rid of hangover, how to get rid of a hangover instantly, How to Quickly Recover from a Hangover, how to recover from being drunk
