How to Talk to Your Child? "Tips to have healthier conversations with your kids"

How to Talk to Your Child | tips to have healthier conversations with your kids

Children and parents often have communication problems. You can learn to speak in a way that your children hear you, changing the tone and talking to them in a respectful manner. Follow these tips to have healthier conversations.
How to Talk to Your Child, Tips to have healthier conversations with your kids, Parenting Teenagers, Discipline, Communication, parenting teen daughters

Open Environment

Beware of tones and negative thoughts. If you find that your child does not want to hear you. first start with something positive, before speaking of something negative. Try to talk to your child openly, both positively and disciplinary manner.

 Reduce the sentences that begin with "No" and "Do not do it." There are better ways to start conversations with the children, who may be revised in steps ahead.

 Start talking about serious issues from the beginning. Confronting the nervousness you feel when talking to your children will be worth it.

 Studies have shown that children usually come to talk to their parents about issues such as sex, drugs and rules before they go and talk to their friends. However, this may happen sooner than you were wondering. Do not push this conversation for another day, or they will ask someone else.


 Talk with "I" instead of "you." Try to communicate with excitement and realism, rather than using an accusing tone.

 Ask specific questions to their children regularly. A good way to get children to communicate and listen is becoming familiar with conversations where there is an exchange of views both ways.

 Ask your children emotional questions such as "How do you feel after fight at school?" or "How are you feeling today?". You may be able to increase their emotional sensitivity to their feelings.

Use "please" and "thank you" even when you are angry. Your children will start using and pay attention to polite conversation, if it is always expected.

Right Time

 Do not talk to your children when you are doing something else. Driving, ironing, washing, cooking or sewing can make it appear as if they were not getting all their attention. However, you should give full attention to your children if you want them to do the same to you.

 Ask your children if they are busy before talking to them. Unless you should say something right away, ask them to take time to come talk to you.

Best Practices

Do not contradict your child. Let the children have their opinions. Try to express their own opinions to show your child a different way of thinking, using statements that start with "I".

Repeat what your child says. Although this is not necessary for all the pronouncements they say, you can show that you understand what they mean, repeating everything before proceeding.

Do not interrupt. Let the child finish his thought before you start talking.

Keep serious issues in a few sentences. The attention of a child is shorter than that of an adult. Divide issues into smaller, understandable conversations.

Ask the child what she would like to happen. You can also express what you want to happen.

Tell a story about you. Admit your own mistakes or tell a funny story, so that the child understands that all this is a normal part of growing.

Talk to your kids without that baby knack. Try to avoid using silly concepts. Just explain difficult concepts in greater detail.

How to Talk to Your Child?  "Tips to have healthier conversations with your kids", Parenting Teenagers: Discipline, Communication, parenting teen daughters,  how to help a child with emotional problems
