Tight Jeans can damage your muscles and nerves..Real story
The story of an Australian woman who was hospitalized for four days in hospital for severe circulatory problems in the legs due to her "skinny" Jeans."Skinny" Jeans model have become very fashionable in the past decade and Tight-fitting jeans are almost in the second place. But in some cases they threaten to seriously damage the muscles and nerves. This is the case described in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry by doctors at the Royal Adelaide Hospital and Department of Medicine in Australia, where a 35 year old woman was admitted to hospital with serious leg problems, due to the effect of tight jeans, according to doctors.
History of the Skinny jeans case:
The woman had helped a relative, the whole day she had worn clinging jeans. For many hours she had been crouching while emptying closets and making boxes. The jeans that she wore had become increasingly tight and uncomfortable with each passing hour in the evening and the woman began to accuse a numbness of the feet and trouble walking. At one point she tripped, fell down and was no longer able to stand up by herself. She stayed on the ground for four hours before being rescued and the doctors had to cut the jeans to free her legs from the tightness.
Compartment syndrome due to Tight Skinny Jeans:
According to doctors the woman had developed a condition called compartment syndrome: the tissue pressure increases and decreases blood perfusion. The blood, in other words, can not circulate well or to get where it should. This condition causes swelling of the muscles, with pain and swelling of the parties concerned. The 35 year-old had been in hospital intensive care unit for 4 days and after 4 days she started to walk without any support. The story is went viral in the international media. Doctors have reported a series of cases in which patients, always after wearing skinny jeans, have developed tingling and numbness of the thigh muscles.
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Tight Jeans can damage your muscles and nerves..Learn from the Real story, Health News, Road to Awareness, Skinny jeans, tight jeans, Compartment syndrome
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