[VIRAL VIDEO] Dog says Mom (ma..ma..) first time but the baby can't..

Dog says Mom (ma..ma..) first time but the baby can't Viral video | baby vs dog speaking competition video

The first time I witnessed a dog says "mama"..

This video is really great! parent is trying to teach their baby to speak "MOM"  as "Ma Ma" for the first time when giving dinner to baby, and do so in front of their dog which is Willing to do anything to get the food, that includes ... talk Ma.Ma..  The dog is a smarter Australian Shepherd!..

The funny thing is that the baby gets angry and wants to give a punch to the dog as saying "you, move, this is my time !!" But the dog is the real star of this video..

Dog says Mom first time for food..

 baby vs dog speaking competition video, funny animal videos, Funny dog, amazing animals can speak like human, [VIRAL VIDEO] Dog says Mom (ma..ma..) first time but the baby can't, Australian Shepherd dog says Mom, mama for food..
