5 Cool Whatsapp Tips & Tricks..

5 Cool Whatsapp Tips & Tricks | Whatsapp Security | Upload DP without cropping | Hide last seen time | Send notification to Desktop | Other Apps

Whatsapp is the great instant messaging app, available in the market today. But soon after Facebook brought whatsapp for astonishing 19 billion dollars, And also rise in it's competitor telegram, which I think is better than whatsapp. It will be interesting to see what whatsapp has to do in near future, But keeping everything aside, In this video we will see 5 Cool Whatsapp Tips & Tricks to make it more useful. So, lets get started.

This video is from mrinal saha tips & tricks youtube channel..

Whatsapp Tip 1:

Securing your whatsapp account:

Ok, So starting with the tip no 1 is, Securing your whatsapp account. If you think that locking your whatsapp with 3rd party application like applocker can prevent it from getting hacked. Then you are totally wrong here.

I will show you how to read whatsapp conversation, even from a locked whatsapp account. Let say my friend have a phone and has locked his whatsapp using an applocker application and I want to read all the chat history. So what I will do is, install a third-party app like Backup text for Whatsapp. As you can see it can filter chats by date, by type and even you  can export your chat history to your mail account or save it in your sdcard. So I will just click on export to SD card, it will ask for the name click on OK. And as you can see, all the message has been exported in the simple plain text in my SD card and I don't even have to know the password. Let's check it by going to SD card. and as you can see all the text has been exported to a simple text file.

So, if you use a third party app to lock you whatsapp account then just make sure you also don't allow your friend to install third party application, You can do this by locking your google play and setting options.

Whatsapp Tip 2:

Upload DP without cropping:

Most of the pictures taken with camera are either in landscape or portrait mode. But sadly whatsapp only allow square resolution photo to setup as your whatsapp profile picture.

Ok..How To Set Profile Picture On WhatsApp Without Cropping?

But there is simple workaround that you can try. all you need to do is apply #square padding around your picture. Let say I have to upload this picture as my profile picture, But as you can see it is non square photo, so I will need to crop it.  But what I can do is, by using a third-party application like #SquareDroid. As you can see a padding has been applied to it's border. now, click on save. Once the picture is saved, open your gallery and look for #squrare folder. Now just click on save picture as and select whatsapp profile picture. now as you can see I don't have to crop my image to set it as my display picture. And the profile picture has been uploaded.

If you are windows user then you can use equivalent app called 6tag and if you iOS user then you can use whitegram.

Whatspp tip 3:

How to Hide last seen in whatsapp? :

Last seen time stamps has always been a point of concern for many people using whatsapp. An iPhone user has direct option to hide the timestamp however there is no such option available for android, windows or blackberry users.

But there is simple workaround that you can use. Just turn off your wifi or data packet, now you can read and sent messages using whatsapp.

Just type the message or send the picture or video and once you are done close whatsapp. Turn on your data packet or Wifi and your message will be sent. In this way your message will be send without updating your timestamp to the whatsapp server. Now this small trick will work for all the OS weather you are windows, Android or iOS user.

But if you are an android user then you can also use small like w-Tools or shinobi. All you need to do is, open this tool and click on Start service. You will see a notification tray appearing here, Now whenever you will open whatsapp. The Wifi and data connection will turn off and you can send your message and when you closed whatsapp it will automatically turn on your internet data packet or wifi.

Whatsapp Tip 4:

Apps to get more out of whatsapp:

Whatsapp come long list of whatsapp emoticons and similes but there are plenty of other application that you can use with whatsapp and make it more fun My fav one is whatsapp emoticons or whatsapp fun. Simply select cool meme you want to share with your friends. for instance, let me choose this one and click on send And it will automatically open whatsapp contact list. Simply select the contact with whom you want to share this meme then click on ok and it will be sent.

Another favorite tool is called textagram. Which lets you take or edit picture with text. Just take picture from facebook or any other social media of your friend and insert that in textagram.

You can edit it with cool text and click on next > select the background picture from your gallery > now click on next and share it on instagram, facebook or even whatsapp.

And if you are whatsapp addict and want to track your whatsapp activity then try whatstats. This application will tell you about history and all the conversation, and most active time of the day.  This app can also help you to track your crush or the person you are interested in.

Whatsapp Tip 5:

Send whatsapp notification to Desktop:

If you are like me who spend lot of time infront of computer screen and often miss the whatsapp notification, then you should try this wonderful app called Desktop Notification. You can find the link to google play in the video description. Simply install this app, you will also need the browser extension. It is available for both chrome and firefox and once the extension is install, enter this key to enter it in your browser. Once the connection is done click on create test notification

Now every time you will get whatsapp message you get notification in your computer screen. Well this is all for now, for more information check out the links in the youtube video description.
