DIY Seed pots out of Toliet paper tubes | Inexpensive garden planting ideas | Make your own seedling pots | Home made
It's easy to make your own seedling pot from nothing more than toilet tubes.Toilet paper rolls make ideal seed pots.. it is biodegradable(decomposable) and Eco-friendly product for Organic planting like the Newspaper seed pots which we have posted in another article.
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How to use the waste toilet paper tubes as seed pots?
Cut them in half for standard seedlings, or leave whole for those seedlings such as peas, corn and tomatoes that appreciate a longer root run. You could also use paper towels tubes cut down to the right length. Set your tubes within trays so that the potting soil doesn't fall out at the bottom. As the seedlings grow, their roots will help to hold the potting soil together. Just like our newspaper pots,positioning the tubes side by side like this gets additional strength as the cardboard soaks up moisture and softens. You could also group pots together with string or rubber bands. To create a bottom to your cardboard pot, cut 4 inch-long slits into one end of the tube at 12, 3, 6 and 9 o'clock.
Fold the flaps down like the end of a cardboard box, alternating the tucks to create a strong interlocking base. You're now ready to fill with potting soil, and sow. Cardboard tubes are slower to rot down than newspaper. Roots will find their own way out of the pot, but if you prefer you can peel off the cardboard before planting. This is very easy to do when the cardboard is wet.
Watch Video about how to make the toilet paper roll seedling pots:
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