Eye Blindness can be Avoided with Simple Habits & Precautions..

Eye Health depends on Simple Habits & Practices | Eye care tips 

The WHO warns that 60% of cases of eye blindness can be avoided with easy actions and precautions

Simple habits and practices like washing your hands, remove the makeup properly, make the correct cleaning of contact lenses or using eye drops recommended by ophthalmologists can prevent serious diseases related to eye health.
Eye Blindness can be Avoided with Simple Habits & Precautions, eye care tips, ideas to take care of your eyes, how to avoid eye blindness

On Friday, July 10, the Day of Eye Health was commemorated and the World Health Organization warned that 60% of cases of blindness can be avoided with easy practices.

Clean Habits: Contact with fungi, bacteria and other organisms is part of the daily routine of the population, as they are everywhere, so it is essential that hand washing becomes a repetitive habit throughout the day. The simple act of hand washing can prevent serious eye diseases to the human eye.

Contact lenses are more susceptible to eye diseases: For those who wear contact lenses, care must be redoubled. According to the ophthalmologist José Herculano, these patients are more susceptible to eye diseases.
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 Contact lens vs Ocular lens: "Patients who wear contact lenses and do proper hygiene are at serious risk of developing diseases such as corneal ulcer, allergic conjunctivitis, eye irritation and even blindness. Therefore, the importance of using ocular lenses recommended by experts, as well as cleaning the same with specific solutions, "he said.

Makeup vs Eye care: Women should be careful even with the use of makeup, or rather, with the removal of the product. The makeup remover is an important ally to remove the makeup, but if not used properly, can clog glands and cause problems with the stye, hence the importance of after using the product, wash the eye region with water.

Causes of Eye burning, itching and inflammations: Another factor that can lead to problems such as burning, itching and inflammation around the eyes is the environmental pollution. The pollutants can damage glands that secrete tears and so leave them more susceptible to eye inflammations. A good eye care tip for when the environment is polluted or dry is to use air humidifiers and avoid places with air conditioning without maintenance.

Consult Eye care specialist:
If even taking all due care, eye problems arise is important to seek an ophthalmologist to receive medical guidelines.  It is recommended that you carried out consultation with an eye care specialist at least once a year.
Tags: eye care tips, ideas to take care of your eyes, how to avoid eye blindness, Easy Ways to Take Care of Your Eyes, Eye Health Tips, Protect Your Vision, Keep Your Eyes Healthy, care of eyes for computer users.
Eye Blindness can be Avoided with Simple Habits & Precautions..
