24 hours body science | Know your body
Good morning body! Time for another day. Your alarm goes off, you hit the snooze button and lay there for few minutes between the land of wake and sleep known as the hypnopompic state. When you do finally get up, you’re groggy and disoriented thanks to sleep inertia. Most of it is shed in 10 minutes, but can sometimes linger for a few hours. During this time your body temperature is still low, but your blood pressure is sharply rising. There’s a 50% increase in the stress hormone cortisol pumping through your bloodstream, in preparation for the stresses of your day!The best time to shave:
Time for a shower! It’s also the best time to shave as clot forming platelets are most abundant right now, making your blood more sticky. Meaning less bleeding from cuts! But it’s also the time of day when heart attacks most often occur.
Your Body science around 7:30am ( Coffee time)
7:30am swings around and it is time for coffee and breakfast. Enjoy the smell before sipping! though 75% of how we enjoy flavour is not through the tongue, but through smell! The vapours pass through your mouth, around the soft palate, into the nasal cavity and to the olfactory bulb. Mmm that’s good!
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Your body science around 10:30 am (Time for doing work)
Settling in at work, and your mental activity is actually at a peak in late morning. Most of us are sharpest 2 and a half to 4 hours after waking. But your memory is impacted as the day moves on. In the morning we forget an average of 5 facts, but by afternoon we forget around 14. Not if you’re a young adult though. In fact the reverse is true, with young people becoming more mentally alive in the afternoon and evening. But, at night our biological clock seems to turn off the proteins involved in forming long term memories, which is why it’s best not to cram for a test all night.Related: Do you Know What Is The Resolution Of your Eyes?
Your Body science around 12:00 noon ( Time for Lunch)
It’s noon and it’s 'time for lunch'. Your stomach is able to expand as much as two and half pints to receive a meal. Here it stays for a few hours before it’s sent to your small intestine. We digest meals without even thinking about it - in fact, there is a brain of sorts in your belly called the enteric nervous system which performs everything from sensing nutrients, measuring acids, and coordinating the immune system to defend your gut.Fogginess and fatigue around 2:30pm
Around 2:30pm and lunch has left us a wave of fogginess and fatigue. After a meal your body has a short boost in energy from the glucose, but is then followed by a wave of insulin, the hormone that transports sugar to your cells. Scientists believe that insulin might pull too much from your blood, causing an energy nosedive. However, this phenomenon occurs even if you don’t have lunch, which has led to much research on the power of naps, which increase productivity and safety.
You body science around 4:30pm ( Time for Gym)
4:30pm and it’s time to hit the gym. Though many try to work out in the morning, studies suggest that you may gain 20% more muscle strength by working out in the afternoon. Your airways are more open, your heart works more efficiently and your reaction time is at its peak. Much of this has to do with your core body temperature peaking later in the day. Even most sports records are achieved between 3pm and 8pm.Time for the Drinks party - 6:00pm
Now you start off the evening by joining some friends for drinks. During cocktail hour you're actually more tolerant to the effects of alcohol. In one study, those drinking vodka at 9am had significantly worse reaction time and psychological functioning than those who had the same dose at 6pm.
You body reaction around 8:30pm (Men Find women)
It’s around 8:30pm now and you catch someone’s eye in the bar. Most of our mammalian ancestors have ways of advertising their fertility. It turns out that human women also give cues when they’re ovulating. In fact, when looking at pictures of women, studies show men find women in the fertile phase to be more attractive.You ask each other to dance - which brings you close enough to get a wiff - after all, your sebaceous and apocrine glands release scents through the armpit which potential partners may find attractive. And because humans walk upright, the armpit is the ideal body part to disperse scent.
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Your body reaction around 11:00pm ( Time for se'xual Activity as well as Sleep)
It’s 11pm now, which is the most popular time for se xual activity. Which has little to do with our bodies and more to do with societal schedules. In fact, levels of testosterone are much lower in the evening and peak at 8AM. While semen quality is best in the afternoon with 35 x106 more spermatozoa per ejaculation. As such, couples hoping to conceive have better chances with midday sex than during the midnight hour.
As you go to sleep and finally begin to drift off, melatonin is secreted by the pineal gland which begins the sleep cycle, which happens multiple times through the night. A change from alpha wave drowsiness to lower frequency theta brain waves signify early sleep. And as your sleep deepens, your brain moves to longer delta waves. For children, sleep is the time in which 90% of bone growth occurs.
Finally, as you move into 'REM sleep', your brain is as busy as it was during the day, firing theta waves with burst of alpha and beta. Though dreams occur in all stages of sleep, it is during REM that our dreams are most vivid and intense. Recent brain scans have shown that neurotransmitters like serotonin, histamine and noradrenaline are shut off at this point, turning off reason and logical sense of time - which explains some weird dreams! We dream for an hour and half to two hours each night, meaning you spend about 6 years vividly dreaming over your lifetime!
In the middle of the night, your body actually wakes up periodically, in something called microarousals. These can last only seconds, but occur between 200-1000 times per night. Though most of us in the western world sleep all in one go, many past cultures sleep was broken up into two periods with social activity in between. Some studies have even shown that we have two distinct 4 hour natural sleep periods, which in the past would last between 8pm-12am, and then again from 2am-6am.
By 4:30am, your body temperature is at its lowest and your sleep continues to move through the cycle. In a few hours, it’ll be good morning body! Time for another day :)
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Know the 24 hours Science of your Body, 24 hours body science | Know your body
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