The importance of Landscape planning and landscape design

The importance of Landscape planning and landscape design

The landscaping is not just the creation of gardens through the cluttered planting some ornamental plants. Much more than that is the handmade technique, coupled with the sensitivity. Landscape planing and design requires knowledge of botany, ecology, regional climate variations and architectural styles and is also important to know the visual compatibility for the balance of shapes and colors.

The inhabitants of big cities amid rampant development come to feel the urgent need for reconciliation with nature, and deploying green areas in the available spaces between the buildings, recompose the landscape. This is where the landscape stands out as essential and fundamental factor.
The importance of Landscape planning and landscape design

The landscaping is not just the creation of gardens through the cluttered planting some ornamental plants. Much more than that is the handmade technique, coupled with the sensitivity, trying to reconstruct the natural landscape within the landscape devastated by the buildings. And it requires knowledge of botany, ecology, regional climate variations and architectural styles(landscape architecture) and is also important to know the visual compatibility for the balance of shapes and colors.
This results set the basis for the idealization of a harmonious landscaping design of each area, using plant species that are in addition to ornamental, consistent with weather conditions, soil and site scenario where the garden will be deployed.

Landscaping improve air quality, natural control of environmental temperature, balanced maintenance of rainfall, decreased level of pleasantly restless urban and visual noise.

The landscaping has the primary aim of the integration of man and nature provide it with better living conditions for the balance of the environment. There is no denying the positive influence of green areas in the life of any community. Its effects are mainly noticed in ecosystem balance, resulting in improved air quality, natural control of environmental temperature, balanced maintenance of rainfall, decreased level of pleasantly restless urban and visual noise.

On the other hand it has been created in cities several gardens that are true aberrations landscape, attacking common sense and doomed to disappear in short time. This is caused by improper use of species whose development characteristics at odds with the type of climate, soil conditions, light and space, resulting in poorly developed and fragile specimens. Other times, large plants, improperly allocated, end up stifling the smaller, eliminating them.

Thus, the practice of landscaping in unskilled hands ends up misrepresenting its main purposes, often transmuting it into mere commercialization of the green. It is necessary to understand that landscape is the means by which human beings can achieve restoring of the broken balance of nature through their own progressive craving, imbalance today that is already being felt in all parts of the civilized world through many natural disasters middle troubled and polluted environment.
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