Google introduced Project Sunroof ~ Solar Energy Map

Google recently launched a new project called "Project Sunroof" to help peoples to find out how much sunlight falls and how much money can be saved by installing a new solar panels at their home rooftop.

There's giant power plant in sky and it's creating free energy for anyone to catch but most people aren't catching it because even though it could save the money on their electric bills, getting started can be pretty frustrating.
Google introduced Project Sunroof ~ Solar Energy Map, rooftop solar power generation calculator, Google (NASDAQ: GOOG) Project Sunroof To Help People Go Solar
"Project Sunroof" - Mapping the Planet's Solar Potential, one roof at a time
Because of all this stuff to figure out like how many panels do you need, who is going to install them, how much would you actually save. Lot of people asked Google these kinds of questions.

So Google started looking for a better way to give them answers and that's one of their engineers got an brilliant idea about this Solar energy Map.

"If people are getting lost trying to find answers about solar why don't we give them a map" 

Uses of Project Sunroof:

You can take the information that's already in Google Maps and use it to show how much sunlight falls on a roof and then we could combine that with all the other separately to figure out and create kind of a "treasure map of solar energy". It could show you how much solar power your roof can generate and how much you could save, then it could even point you towards an installer in your neighborhood instantly. It's an idea and being names as 'project sunroof' and right now Google is just starting with a few places like Boston where the center of teams, from the San Francisco Bay Area where Google's from and Fresno for one of their engineers mama strom.

Project Sunroof introduction Video: 

Pretty soon it'll grow to include the entire country and maybe even the whole world that way anyone anywhere can start catching energy from that power plants in sky.

Article Title: Google introduced Project Sunroof ~ Solar Energy Map
