Quickest way of Making Fruit Salad

Quick Fruit salad Lifehack | How to make fruit salad quickly | Fast fruit salad tricks 

Today Devhex is going to show you have to cut and prepare fruit really quickly to make a fruit salad.

Cutting Melon tricks:  if you're using a melon use a sharp knife to cut into quarters and scrape out the seeds  then slice your melon in both directions and use a big spoon to remove the fruit from the peel. you can do a very similar thing with a mango take a sharp knife and cut along the side to the pet, then slice the fruit into squares and use a spoon to remove the fruit from the skin.
Quick Fruit salad Lifehack | How to make fruit salad quickly | Fast fruit salad tricks

Cutting Kiwi faster:  if you want to add Kiwi in your fruit salad you can cut off the top and bottom then use a small spoon to cut the fruit out of the skin, slice it up and add it to your fruit salad.

Cutting strawberries faster for fruit salad mixing: when eating strawberries you can use a drinking straw to remove the stem. push it in from underneath and it come straight off, slice them up and add them to your salad mix.

How to cut grapes faster: if you've got lots of grapes you want to cut in half quickly. you can spread them out on the back at the plate place another one on top and carefully use a sharp knife to slice through the middle. all your grapes should now be cut neatly in half.

Quickest way to Cut Bananas: if you're using banana in your fruit salad, remove 1/2 of the skin and chop the fruit while it still sat in the peel and add banana chopped pieces into your salad mix.

Cherries cutting lifehack: And finally if you want to add cherries take an empty glass bottle remove the cherry stem and sit it on top of the bottle then take a chopstick and push straight down through the middle of the fruit to remove the pit it should try out straight up to the bottom leaving you with the nice edible fruit.

pretty cool tricks huh.. and there we have our finished fruit salad. mix-up and is ready for serving.

I hope you've enjoyed Reading this post and watching this Quick salad making lifehack video..

Quick Fruit salad Lifehack | How to make fruit salad quickly | Fast fruit salad tricks, simple lifehacks, Devhex videos, how to cut fruits faster
