An "Young Researcher" created an Android app(Happy Hour) that detects your moods, emotions and suggest solutions on how to tackle it.
There is an app that lets you detect emotions through the smartphone. It's called Happy Hour, it is compatible with Android, so earned the creator David Nunes the prize of "Young Researcher" at the international conference IEEE-I4CS - Innovation for Community Services in Germany.By applying Happy Hour, which is at the prototype stage now, the smartphone not only identifies the mood of the users, but also selects and presents information in real time on the nearest green space, providing walks and exercise as solutions to improve the emotional situation.
The purpose of the application, framed in the field of Internet of Things, "is to change the paradigm. Technologies should understand the human being and adapt to your needs and desires. While it is a challenge of enormous complexity, the future is here" Says David Nunes.
The researchers used a learning algorithm to evaluate four emotional states: euphoria, hassle, calm and anxiety. The Happy Hour emotional state updated hourly, bailing up sensors on the smartphone to identify, trace and understand the environment in which individual is inserted.
The "Happy Hour - Improving Mood With An Emotionally Aware Application" was developed in the Department of Computer Engineering Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Coimbra (FCTUC), coordinated by Jorge Sá Silva. "Happy Hour" an Android app that detects your emotions, moods and suggest solutions on how to control it, interesting android apps, Know your emotions in real time, Happy hour android app
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