Health: Nail Biting can cause long term damage to Nail regrowth Tissues - How to stop Nail biting Habit?

Health Tips: Nail Biting can cause long term damage to Nail regrowth Tissues - How to stop Nail biting Habit?

#Nailbiting Chronically, Biting nails can create serious problems," says certified dermatologist Margaret E. Parsons, a physician and member of the American Academy of Dermatology, University of California.
Health: Nail Biting can cause long term damage to Nail regrowth Tissues - How to stop Nail biting Habit?, nail care tips at home,

In addition of exposing the skin located around the nail and make it painful biting the nails can damage tissues allowing nails to regrow. Nail regrowth will also be appear strange. The subject also becomes vulnerable to infections, especially due to the transfer of bacteria and viruses in the mouth to hand.

It may sound ironic, but to let the nails grow, we must first cut the nail very short to reduce the temptation of biting, according to Dr. Parsons.

What are the remedies to stop Nail biting?

  • Yet most of those who suffer from this nail biting habit does not need the nail to be very long to indulge their nasty habit. It is, therefore, important to apply a varnish with a bitter taste.
  • Dr. Parsons also recommends frequent nail manicures. Those who are not followers of manicures can use gloves or adhesive.
  • The use of an anti-stress ball in the moments when the desire becomes too strong can also serve as stress relief.
  • It should also reflect on what causes this desire. For some, it is the vision of broken nails or cuticles, others simply boredom, stress or anxiety.
  • "In some people, nail biting can be a sign of a deeper psychological or emotional problem," she explains. "If you have tried so long to stop and even the problem persists, consult a doctor. If you develop an infection of the skin or the nail, see a dermatologist."
Health: Nail Biting can cause long term damage to Nail regrowth Tissues - How to stop Nail biting Habit?, nail biting habit how to stop, nail care tips at home, #bitingnail #nailbiting
