6 Tips to Choose the Right Bra

Ever wondered why it is so difficult to find a well-fitting bra? It's harder to find a good brassiere than really seated jeans. It can be said that this is like a science of our own - there is a lot to be noted and make sure before making a final decision. We'll give you some tips to pick the Right Bra.
Tips to choose right bra size and style, How To Choose A Well Fitting Bra

1. The back strap of the bra gives 90% of the support, so it must be secure, but comfortable.

2. The size of your bra may vary up to six times in your life, depending on weight, hormone, and the like. Measure yourself every year!

3. What's right for your girlfriend may not suit you. Try different cuts and materials to find the one that suits you.

4. For an ideal support, choose a wired bra with a wire that is comfortably seated against the ribbon basket and surrounded by a soft material.

5. The size of the basket should be in proportion to your body type - if you have half a hamburger between your chest and the bra box, the basket is clearly too large. If the breasts, however, want to "overflow", then too small. Easy!
6. The bra strap should run straight in one line at the back. If it drops above the center, the straps are too short or the circumference is too small.

How To Measure Your Bra Size

How To Measure Your Bra Size

what tricks do you have to share with other women when choosing a bra?

Watch more in video..

How To Choose A Well Fitting Bra 

How To Choose A Well Fitting Bra

The RIGHT Bras for YOUR Body Shape: How to Select the Perfect Bra

How To Choose A Well Fitting Bra
