9 Clever Gardening Hacks using Weird or Unusual Household things

9 unusual things that can actually be quite helpful in the garden ( Best out of waste Garden Hacks)..

Inspiration and usefulness often comes from strange and unusual places. Gardening is no exception to this. Over time gardeners have dreamed up a weird array of garden hacks that actually work really well as strange as they may seem. Here are 9 weird or unusual household things that help out in the garden.
9 unusual things that can actually be quite helpful in the garden, Gardening Hacks, Best out of waste, Recycle unused things into useful garden tools, Outdoor and indoor vegetable gardening hacks

1. Disposable Diapers: 

Before filling garden containers or hanging pots with potting soil and plants lay a disposable diaper in the bottom. This will help retain moisture in the pot and prevent all that water from draining out the bottom.den watering hacks)

Putting Diaper Gel In Plant Soil: Diapers helps your plants grow ( 100% working)

Putting Diaper Gel In Plant Soil: Diapers helps your plants grow ( 100% working), garden hacks
The substance that we found in the diaper is actually called a sodium polyacrylate. it's also known as diaper polymer and sometimes called as hydrogen. it's a super water absorber polymer that can absorb more than 400 times water of its own weight. it's colorless, odorless and non-toxic and when I say non-toxic it doesn't mean you can put this in your mouth... don't do that. 

2. Pantyhose: 
In vertical gardening systems melons can easily become too heavy and snap off the vines before they are ripe. Create slings using pantyhose or nylons, old t-shirts to hold melons in place.

How to Make a Watermelon Sling to Support Watermelon Growing on a Trellis, 2 Minute Tip

pantyhose or nylons, old t-shirts to hold melons

3. Old bicycle:
Strip all of the hardware implants from an old bicycle re-configuring the wheel and handlebars to create an easy-to-use garden plow.

Basic tutorial on how to turn a bicycle into a garden plow.

Basic tutorial on how to turn a bicycle into a garden plow, reconfigure, reuse ideas

4. Copper tubing:
Image Source: https://green.thefuntimesguide.com
 Slugs and Snails naturally avoid copper. "Info barrel technology states the pests receive a small electromagnetic shock, when they touch it electrocuting them".  Create a circle of copper tubing and lay it around the base of your tender garden plants to keep slugs and snails from bothering them.

5. Laundry basket:
Growing Potatoes in the garden usually means having to dig the fully grown spuds in the fall. To make this job easier at harvest time plant your seed potatoes in a plastic clothes basket at the beginning of the season as the plants grow fill the basket with soil when potatoes are ready to harvest just dump the basket out and gather them up.

Growing Potatoes in a Laundry basket Review - Part1:

Growing Potatoes in a Laundry basket Review, gardening hacks

Growing Potatoes in a Laundry basket - Part- 2

Growing Potatoes in a Laundry basket Review 2, gardening hacks

6. Styrofoam Packing Peanuts:
Gardening containers become very heavy when filled with potting soil and plants. To keep their weight down and improve soil drainage making them more manageable to move around, line the bottom of the container with Styrofoam packing peanuts and then fill with potting soil.

Using Soil : How to Plant in Large Containers Using Less Potting Soil

Styrofoam Packing Peanuts to save soil in gardening pot

7. Old CDs:  
Hang old unused CDs by thread or string and suspend them above plants that are prone to birds and other furry pests. Hang it around plants like beans and tomatoes berries etc., The spinning reflector will keep these nuisance pests at bay.

use Old CDs in gardening bird control

8. Nails to Control Cutworms:
According to the Michigan State University Extension, Cutworms in the garden are often untreatable by pesticides. To prevent them from chewing their way through the stems of plants, place nails in the ground on either side of them this will keep them from wrapping around the stem and eating through it. (Related: #How To Kill Cutworms?  #How do I get rid of cutworms in my garden? #Get Rid of Cutworms on Tomato Plants)

9. Ice Cream Cones:
For an inexpensive biodegradable seedling pot for seedlings, use ice cream cones. Add potting soil to them, plant your seedlings right in the cone and then transplant to your garden. this is especially useful for kids gardening activities. (Related: Ice Cream Cones | How It's Made)

How to Start Seedlings in Ice Cream Cones?

How to Start Seedlings in Ice Cream Cones?, gardening hacks

As strange as they may seem these unusual items prove themselves to be extremely useful in the garden so take the time to get a little creative and add some humor to your outdoor work. (Best out of waste)
